Awakening the World

Awakening the World

I started teaching in China back in the Summer of 1999. I remember being told Chinese people don’t believe in God and a number of students told me that they were atheists. I just said okay. I had grown up hearing that every person has a God shaped hole in their heart that only the Lord can fill, but what could I say? It didn’t feel like there was anything I could say. Tracy and I got to go on a 6 day trip to JiuZhaiGou, China this past summer. It was amazing. Probably the icing on the cake for…
An Insiders Look at a Thai Refugee Camp

An Insiders Look at a Thai Refugee Camp

My wife and I had been hoping to go visit the Myanmar refugees in Thailand for quite some time now, but due to the political instability we didn’t know if we would be able to or not. We visited Maesot. It is one of 9 refugee camps in Thailand and it is about a 6 hour drive from Chiang Mai. Along the six hour drive there were several check points, where we were asked to stop and let officials to examine our passports. I don’t think we could have done it by ourselves. I am so glad we went. Hearing…
Buying Shrimp Without Thai

Buying Shrimp Without Thai

The alternative to connecting with others around language is body language, noises, acting, use of a smartphone and whatever else one might have at their disposal. Of course, people don’t bother going through all of this hassle unless they have a good reason. For us, my wife, friend Ting Ho and I that good reason was dried shrimp. We wanted 5KG of it. If you want to see the video of the trip chick here. We didn’t know exactly where we were going, but my Ting Ho was pretty familiar with the market and the process. He also had an…
Fake it Till You Make it?

Fake it Till You Make it?

Fake it till you make it? A few years back, I interviewed a friend Hubert. Hubert’s English is native. That makes sense. He grew up in Singapore and they speak English and Mandarin there, but that’s not all. Hubert speaks Cantonese. Yes, his family spoke it to him when he was growing up, but he didn’t use it a lot. Hubert’s Cantonese ability really took off when he moved to Hong Kong to go to university. I know that’s crazy; learning Cantonese at university because he had to. Of course, all of his subjects were in Cantonese. One of the…
Nature’s Paradise – JiuZhaiGou

Nature’s Paradise – JiuZhaiGou

JiuZhaiGou really is nature's paradise. Maesot and ChengMai Thailand were both an amazing adventure. Check out - Looking For a Home. While we got to enjoy our trip, The focus of our time was not primarily on enjoyment. It was on helping refuges and understanding their situations better. It’s true that life isn’t fair and sometimes it’s hard to reconcile that fact that the refuges are living in temporary shelters during the rainy season that leak water or that they don’t have enough food. All the while we have plenty. Anyway food for thought. Going With Friends 20240807_175436 We got…
How We Treat Others

How We Treat Others

How we treat others says a lot about us. It's okay not to like everyone and we definitely don't have to be friends with everyone, but we should extend a certain level of respect to everyone. At school, at church, on the street, or at work we are bound to meet new people. Sometimes we will welcome those individuals other times we may not. Regardless of whether that person is an angel or a villain. We owe to ourselves, them and God to extend basic kindness. Fred's Immaturity Some weeks ago, I was at church, a man named Fred (not…
Our Backgrounds and Paths as Learners

Our Backgrounds and Paths as Learners

Recently I read the story of two very smart individuals. The story comes from Outliers. They were both recognized geniuses, but unfortunately only one was successful. A person’s up bringing has a lot to do with whether or not they will be successful. The first man Chris Langan grew up with an alcoholic father. He was emotionally neglected and even abused. The second man Robert Oppenheimer grew up privileged. His parents were wealthy and they gave him a rich cultivating environment. He was regularly encouraged to think outside of the box and asked questions. Robert developed great social skills and…
Choosing What to Care About

Choosing What to Care About

Wealthy parents provide their children with a rich cultivating environment. Their kids learn good habits and discipline. They learn to expect the best from themselves and others. When someone is unkind to them, they don’t sweep it under the rug and forget about it. Instead they learn to deal with all different types of social dynamics in a positive manner to achieve a positive result. Then when they are adults they good on to make go decisions for themselves. As adults we are always choosing what to care about. Asking Questions A child from this kind of background would be…
Something Gained Something Lost

Something Gained Something Lost

Teaching wasn't what I expected. Years ago, I went into teaching thinking that I would make a difference in the lives of young people. Now years later, as I reflect, I realize that there was something gained and something lost. I gained skills and experience to become a better teacher, but I went through a lot of loneliness to get to this point. I teach in a band 3 school. For those of you who don’t know, there are 3 bands and band 1 is the best. Students are “banded” according to their academic performance. Lots of people have asked…
A Summer Camp Full of Happy Faces

A Summer Camp Full of Happy Faces

Alright I know we can't force kids to have fun, and 2 weeks is a scary long time for some of them. But I visited the camp twice this year and I saw a summer camp full of happy faces. Here's a link for last week's Friday and Saturday activities. Sure it takes some time for students to warm up to each other, but once they do some of them don't want to leave. The environment was good. I arrived at about 2:15 on Wednesday afternoon and I got to see students from my school. Here's a 2 minute photo…