A little over a month ago, I was on the bus going to school. Behind me sat two middle school-aged girls, one with a book in her hand listening and the other talking about a boy that liked her. Here’s the story of the drama between 2 girls on a bus. The girl sharing the story shared her story in a dramatic fashion. She talked quickly and it seemed every other sentence started with the word “like.” She went on to say how she was traumatized. Then it came to the part where the boy said he wanted to be her boyfriend. The girl said, “I don’t think you’re my type.” The boy said, “I will become your type. I will do anything you want me to.” She said no and left him.

Willing to Trade it All

So it’s more than a month later. I still remember the boy’s words, “I will become your type. I will do anything you want me to.” Dangerous words, he was ready and willing to trade everything that he was to become what she wanted him to be. This boy imagined himself having a better life with the popular girl. I felt sorry for this boy.

Looking for a Shortcut

He was looking for a shortcut and seemed to think that by anchoring his life in this girl he would be better off. That’s a bad idea. Each of us has to take responsibility for our own life. A lot of things go wrong when we look to others to do for us what we should be doing for ourselves. We don’t develop into life-giving people. Instead, we develop into life-sucking people. Why because like this boy we decided that what we have to offer isn’t good enough. The girl rejects us, or maybe it’s the other way around and the boy rejects us and we are left feeling devastated.

Be the Best You That You Can be

Okay hopefully you are not in that situation, but if you are it’s time to value who you are. God made you special. It’s okay to have weaknesses you don’t have to be perfect. No one is. Of course, no one is obligated to help you on life’s journey either, but as you learn to be honest about who you are and live authentically, eventually others will be attracted to you. Be the best you that you can be. You will have something to offer and therefore you will be less prone to forming unhealthy dependencies on others. In the case of this boy, he seemed to be looking to the girl for everything. No boy or girl can be everything for us. Oh well, maybe the boy will do better next time.


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