A Video Adventure at Sai Wan Beach

A Video Adventure at Sai Wan Beach

Getting to the Beaches A few years ago, I went to Sai Wan Beach. At the time, I didn’t know that Sai Wan Beach is one of 4 beautiful beaches located in Tai Long Wan Bay in the Sai Kung Country Park. Also previously I went by public transportation. This time I decided to film a video adventure so I brought my camera gear along on my motorcycle, but didn’t realize the park officials no longer allow buses and private vehicles to enter the park. Therefore, I had an hour and 20 minute walk in front of me before even…
Living Outside the City is a Mixed Bag

Living Outside the City is a Mixed Bag

So I live outside the city. My address is SaiKung, but I am actually closer to MaOnShan. Why is this a big deal? It’s all about public transportation and getting places. My village house is spacious, homey and cheap, but it is not convenient to get to. Therefore I say it is a mixed bag. In Hong Kong many people will not even consider a place if it isn’t close to an MTR station. The MTR (Mass Transit Railway) connects Hong Kong together and makes it pretty convenient to go places. From my apartment in TinLiu I have to walk…
Hiking Off the Main Trail

Hiking Off the Main Trail

Today marks the establishment of the SAR in Hong Kong, so it’s a holiday. There are lots of people out and about so I decided to avoid the crowds. I started on the MacLehose trail stage 4 but went off the main trail towards South Mountain Village. The path wasn’t as neat and tidy as the main trail, but it was passable. There were some slipper spots as it had just rained for several days. Along the path I spotted some butterflies and took there pictures. For this trip I decided to bring my Sony RX100iii and I have no…
The Drama Between 2 Middle School Girls on a Bus

The Drama Between 2 Middle School Girls on a Bus

A little over a month ago, I was on the bus going to school. Behind me sat two middle school-aged girls, one with a book in her hand listening and the other talking about a boy that liked her. Here's the story of the drama between 2 girls on a bus. The girl sharing the story shared her story in a dramatic fashion. She talked quickly and it seemed every other sentence started with the word “like.” She went on to say how she was traumatized. Then it came to the part where the boy said he wanted to be…
Notable Videos From 2020

Notable Videos From 2020

Choosing my favorite videos for 2020 wasn't that difficult. I just didn't shoot many videos this year. Given that everyone was on alert due to COVID and a number of places were closed and we couldn't really travel outside of Hong Kong, I think I did okay. I have included one video that I edited for my students to study English with. No I do not have the copywrites from Disney for it. I am simply using it to encourage students to learn English and overcome fear. There are a lot of Heffalumps that need to be vanquished. Christopher Robin…