Hey Everyone,

Some months ago, I was reading a photography blog that suggested choosing your favorite pictures each month and then at the end of the year putting together an album of favourites. I liked the idea. Admittedly, I don’t take the time every month to stop and reflect on my pictures. There probably were some good shots that I missed. None the less, here are 19 favourites that I would like to share with you. Hope you enjoy.

Chinese New Year with masks was different, but it set the tone for the rest of the year. As usual all of wife’s family relatives gathered to pay their respects, to give and receive red pocket money and of course to have a good time.
This photo was taken in 2020. In 2019 you couldn’t help but notice protestors’ painting graffiti messages in a wide variety of public places. In 2020, with everyone’s attention focused shifted to COVID, demonstrations stopped. Today, if you go back to this staircase or any number of the subways that once hosted graffiti slogans, you will see they are all gone.
This was shot with an H&Y neutral density filter. It’s a peaceful shot with a pleasing composition. Given that the sun was starting to go down a number families had already packed up and gone home. Some months afterwards, I missed a once a lifetime rainbow picture. The rainbow spanned from one side of the sky to the other. Everyone was talking about it.
This picture was shot on a smartphone in raw. I didn’t do a lot of post processing, just basic stuff. It really was beautiful that night.
If you are going to be courageous and take a stand there will be times when you feel probably feel like this guy with everyone else looking on staring at you.
This is a beast of a computer. No, it wasn’t new, but it was long over due. I had already cranked out every last bit of processing power that I could from my 2011 Dell Vostro. This makes 4K with post image stabilization possible.
This was shot in SaiKung. The lighting was right and I had my 1.7 40mm prime lens with me.
I had an amazing 2 story 200 square foot flat for most of 2020. I loved the high ceiling and modern design.
Believe it or not this was the path I walked every day to get from my apartment to public transportation. Actually it didn’t always look this barren. Their used to be vegetation growing on the fence to the right. If you would like to see a time lapse video of the entire path with some more green in it follow this link – ShaTin9
There are some nice contrasts in this picture. Colorful graffiti, nature, concrete, mountains and buildings
This was taken in Choi Hung, which actually means rainbow. Of course, there is no rainbow. Still the sun paints a pretty picture on the clouds.
It’s nice when people pose for you. Yes, this was taken in Sai Kung and the two young people make an otherwise boring picture take on new life.
It took me a little while to set up this shot. The sun was bright, and I need to use my H&Y ND filters. I shot it at the Wetland Park.
I shot this with my new 800mm zoom lens. I was in Sha Tin Park. I just need to get out and use it more often.
Making this almost a black and white shot helps draw our attention to the father and son bicycling, and the sign with an adult holding a child’s hand adds additional support to the picture. I manage and edit my photos with Capture One.
There are probably a million pictures out there of the front of HKU. I decided to take this picture looking up from the side. OK, I have an admission to make this picture and the next were actually taken in August of 2019.
The old lamp post with the old buildings in the background look nice together.
This was taken at Parents Day. The composition is perfect. It really captures the boys’ love for gaming.
I included this one is for its artistic value. I love the blur effect on the bus and the lighting.

Hope that you enjoyed these pictures. Have a blessed Christmas Season and a Happy New Year.

1 Comment

  1. Brent Merrifield

    Lovely collection showing great attention to detail – every photo tells a story! Thank you, Ken, for sharing the Hong Kong spirit with us by capturing these exquisite, yet everyday life-scenes of our city.

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