Chinese Characters are Hard

Chinese Characters are Hard

Saturday morning a little after 11 am, I was walking back to my motorcycle from Trio Beach when I met this elderly couple. They were visiting a relative here in Hong Kong for a month. Both of them wish that they could stay longer. Hong Kong is an amazing place they told me. There are so many islands and places to visit. Reading Chinese The gentleman pointed to above sign and said that he finds the characters very fascinating. By that point in our conversation, I had already told them that I have lived in Hong Kong for 7 plus…
Meeting New Friends

Meeting New Friends

Meeting new friends in another language is a cool experience. Somewhere on our language journeys we get to go beyond all of the formalities and the hard work of learning a new language and just experience it. It's not all fun; sometimes we don't understand what's going on around us. But little by little we understand enough to enjoy the experience and enter into the lives of a new set of friends. That's what happened to me. Yesterday, my wife, Tracy, invited me to a BBQ with her friends from the Lutheran Seminary. She took classes there and her classmates…