She Wants To Be The Beauty

She Wants To Be The Beauty

Every culture places a high value on beauty and culture. In most cultures it’s the guy who pursues the girl. In Chinese culture they have phrase about chasing girls. He wants the beauty and she wants to be the beauty. Unfortunately, outward beauty is only skin deep and an obsession with it is likely to cause a rotting away of inner beauty. Unlike outer beauty which you can be born with inner beauty has to be developed. You can’t make a girl beautiful and you can’t make a man handsome. The process that leads one to be beautiful may not…
GamZhou – Scenic, Historic, and Special

GamZhou – Scenic, Historic, and Special

Our trip to scenic, historic, and special GamZhou set off from Austin station at 9am. It was the Easter Holiday, so Big Line organized 4 bus loads of people. There were a lot of people, but everything flowed together smoothly. The high speed rail to GamZhou only took 3 hours and it was comfortable. Tracy and I shared a meal on the train. Actually this was the only meal that Big Line didn't cover for us. Honestly, I am fine with that. They gave us more than enough food to eat and it was all delicious. Food Hong Kong people…
Yes, It’s Crowded But It Could Be The Best Option

Yes, It’s Crowded But It Could Be The Best Option

It's Crowded but, what do you expect it's Easter holiday. Lots of people are traveling all at the same time. On top of that, if you travel in a tour group it might feel even more crowded, but for us it's worth it. Why, exposure and cost. Tracy and I decided to go to Gam Zhou China. As an English teacher here in Hong Kong, I’m pretty much limited to traveling on the holidays. Tour groups’ leaders pick the best sites to see and make all the travel / accommodation arrangements for their clients. As clients, we get exposure to…
A 2019 Camera That is Better in 2024

A 2019 Camera That is Better in 2024

Anybody guess the Panasonic S1. I did my research. Yes, I know Canon is more popular and their auto focus is better, but Panasonic is still a worth contender. Panasonic released a lot firmware updates for this camera that have extended its functionality. If stills are your thing, you can stop there. It’s great for that. It has incredible low light performance and 24 Mega Pixels. Also the image stabilization is great. However, if video is your thing, you will need to spend 150 USD for the filmmaker upgrade. In the below video I do an unboxing of the camera.…
Favourite Photos From 2023

Favourite Photos From 2023

Here's my updated favourite photos of the year. These where all taken in 2023. When it comes to buildings and architecture, Hong Kong is a photographer’s paradise. Where do you start? There are just so many amazing buildings. Of course, you should definitely go to the Peak. We had friends visit this year and we took them to the Peak. It’s the most iconic site for shooting Hong Kong’s high rises. There’s a Pacific Coffee right there as well. It is nicely situated to offer a great view. It offers modern design and the familiar comfort of your favourite tea…
Sai Sha Road Construction Continued

Sai Sha Road Construction Continued

Sai Sha Road has changed a lot over the last 7 or 8 months since I did my last video blog on it. If you haven't seen last years video of the road construction, here is a link. Back at that time, I think you had to use your imagination to picture how things might look when they finish. Well not any more. This time things are really taking shape. They are even putting trees in now. Last time I rode my bicycle. This time I rode my motorcycle as I think it gives a better perspective of the new…
A Christmas in Snowy Harbin China

A Christmas in Snowy Harbin China

The Christmas holiday in Harbin was special for us. Years ago I lived in the Jilin province and had the opportunity to visit Harbin in the Summer time, but I had never been there in the winter. Tracy and I talked about joining a tour group and traveling somewhere for the Christmas holiday. Awhile later, she suggested going to Harbin. I liked the idea. Being from New York, I am used to cold in the winter time; the thought of having a white Christmas really appealed to me. Well, we had plenty of snow and we also had – 20…
Merry Christmas from Hong Kong

Merry Christmas from Hong Kong

Tracy and I don’t have any snow to offer you. It’s still warm over here. I went swimming at the beach this morning, but the water was a bit cold, still Merry Christmas. 2023 has been a meaningful year for us. In December of 2022, Tracy and I rededicated ourselves to each other. Then in 2023 we found employment, lost Tracy's parents, bought a car and more. We Stayed Together I wish I could tell you that everything in our relationship was smooth sailing after our reunion, but it has not been. We had already lived separately for 2 and…
Watoto’s Children’s Choir Sharing From Their Heart

Watoto’s Children’s Choir Sharing From Their Heart

Watoto is a ministry to orphans in Uganda Africa. They have more than 1000 orphans and more than 1000 staff. Their approach to raising kids is wholistic and worthy of being studied and implemented around the world, but up until 2 months ago Tracy and I knew very little about Watoto. It all started with an advertisement for a children's concert that Tracy had seen. My first impression was the excellence with which they performed. We found their music and testimonies to be very engaging. They were truly sharing from their hearts. Concert Video Clip Hosting After the concert we…
Stan’s Saw Mill

Stan’s Saw Mill

To say I was impressed is an under statement. Stan is a computer security expert, but he has a number of other hobbies and often volunteers his time to help out at the church. I knew he was interested in wood and I had seen pictures of old saw mills, but I really didn't expect a professional modern saw mill. I only brought an old Sony RX100iii. The recording is okay, but yeah if I had of know I would have brought a nicer camera.