Awakening the World

Awakening the World

I started teaching in China back in the Summer of 1999. I remember being told Chinese people don’t believe in God and a number of students told me that they were atheists. I just said okay. I had grown up hearing that every person has a God shaped hole in their heart that only the Lord can fill, but what could I say? It didn’t feel like there was anything I could say. Tracy and I got to go on a 6 day trip to JiuZhaiGou, China this past summer. It was amazing. Probably the icing on the cake for…
An Insiders Look at a Thai Refugee Camp

An Insiders Look at a Thai Refugee Camp

My wife and I had been hoping to go visit the Myanmar refugees in Thailand for quite some time now, but due to the political instability we didn’t know if we would be able to or not. We visited Maesot. It is one of 9 refugee camps in Thailand and it is about a 6 hour drive from Chiang Mai. Along the six hour drive there were several check points, where we were asked to stop and let officials to examine our passports. I don’t think we could have done it by ourselves. I am so glad we went. Hearing…
Nature’s Paradise – JiuZhaiGou

Nature’s Paradise – JiuZhaiGou

JiuZhaiGou really is nature's paradise. Maesot and ChengMai Thailand were both an amazing adventure. Check out - Looking For a Home. While we got to enjoy our trip, The focus of our time was not primarily on enjoyment. It was on helping refuges and understanding their situations better. It’s true that life isn’t fair and sometimes it’s hard to reconcile that fact that the refuges are living in temporary shelters during the rainy season that leak water or that they don’t have enough food. All the while we have plenty. Anyway food for thought. Going With Friends 20240807_175436 We got…
A Summer Camp Full of Happy Faces

A Summer Camp Full of Happy Faces

Alright I know we can't force kids to have fun, and 2 weeks is a scary long time for some of them. But I visited the camp twice this year and I saw a summer camp full of happy faces. Here's a link for last week's Friday and Saturday activities. Sure it takes some time for students to warm up to each other, but once they do some of them don't want to leave. The environment was good. I arrived at about 2:15 on Wednesday afternoon and I got to see students from my school. Here's a 2 minute photo…
The OxBridge Teachers Are Back

The OxBridge Teachers Are Back

Wow, I am surprised, Oxford and Cambridge, OxBridge teachers are back to TWGH’s English Summer Camp. It’s been a while, last year they hired teachers who lived in Hong Kong to teacher and before that the camp was canceled due to Covid19. Anyway, it felt good to have them back. The picture below has both the Hong Kong counseling staff and the teachers toasting each other. The HK counseling staff are a critical part of the program. They handle disciplinary issues and keep things running smoothly. This is my 5th year participating in the summer camp. My school, currently has…
Stepping Out at the Dragon Boat Festival

Stepping Out at the Dragon Boat Festival

Yesterday the weather observatory said that it was supposed to be sunshiny for today’s Dragon boat festival. They were partly right. The sun did come out, but it also rained. There were several venues in Hong Kong where the Dragon boat race could be viewed from. I went to the SaiKung venue. When I arrived, it was raining so I found some shelter. Stepping out at the Dragon Boat Festival meant talking with a variety of individuals. First I sat down next to an older gentleman and struck up a conversation. We talked about what a great opportunity the Dragon…
Making the Best of Luminous Eggs

Making the Best of Luminous Eggs

The Hong Kong government paid more than a million dollars to decorate the city with luminous eggs to attract people from other countries and those already living in Hong Kong to come out and enjoy a festive happy environment. Tracy and I went to visit the egg decorations near Admiralty Station in Tamar Park. One article describes it as egg-citing. Here's another article on it in Chinese. We were making the best of these "Easter Egg" like creations. We saw lots of people enjoying themselves. Singles, married couples, Muslim ladies wearing their hair coverings and more. The skyline in Tamar…
Sports Day Adds Value

Sports Day Adds Value

Before going to China and Hong Kong, I had never heard of Sports Day. The idea of asking the entire school to take part in a track meet that lasted a couple of days seemed very ambitious to me, but I have to admit there are a few things that I really liked about it. A lot of times people think that you have to be really athletic to try out for a school sport. We tend to think that sports need to be "professional". Only the best players or runners can make the cut and get on the team.…
The Footbridge Just Opened

The Footbridge Just Opened

So if you live anywhere between WuKaiSha to SaiKung or the surrounding area, I'm sure you are very familiar with all of the road construction on SaiSha Road that is going on. From the round about after Symphony Bay all the way to TinLiu, there is 2 kilometers of construction. We live at the TinLiu end of it. What was a 2 lane road is being transformed into a 4 lane main road. To give you some perspective. Here's what it looked like in April of 2022 in this video I ride my bicycle through the construction to my school.…
What Kind of Camera Should I Get?

What Kind of Camera Should I Get?

There are lots of camera brands out there and they can all shoot decent pictures and video. Of course, they would all love to have you as their next costumer, but before answering the question, what kind of camera should I get, there are at least 4 things you should consider. Got the Green Light? The first question is pretty simple. Do you really need a new camera? A lot of people are content with their smartphone. If your phone is enough for you, then fine stick with your phone. What about those who already have a camera? Don't get…