It’s Your Responsibility

It’s Your Responsibility

A few months ago someone slashed a key across both doors on the driver side of my car. I did nothing wrong, but as the title says - It's Your Responsibility. If your the owner and something comes up out of no where, you have to decide to pay for someone to fix it, leave it, or try to fix it yourself. Cars can definitely be a pain. In addition, to all of the known responsibilities and there are a lot. They have to be licensed, registered, insured etc... You have to pay money for gas, oil, tires, brakes etc...…
Merry Christmas from Hong Kong

Merry Christmas from Hong Kong

Tracy and I don’t have any snow to offer you. It’s still warm over here. I went swimming at the beach this morning, but the water was a bit cold, still Merry Christmas. 2023 has been a meaningful year for us. In December of 2022, Tracy and I rededicated ourselves to each other. Then in 2023 we found employment, lost Tracy's parents, bought a car and more. We Stayed Together I wish I could tell you that everything in our relationship was smooth sailing after our reunion, but it has not been. We had already lived separately for 2 and…
Watoto’s Children’s Choir Sharing From Their Heart

Watoto’s Children’s Choir Sharing From Their Heart

Watoto is a ministry to orphans in Uganda Africa. They have more than 1000 orphans and more than 1000 staff. Their approach to raising kids is wholistic and worthy of being studied and implemented around the world, but up until 2 months ago Tracy and I knew very little about Watoto. It all started with an advertisement for a children's concert that Tracy had seen. My first impression was the excellence with which they performed. We found their music and testimonies to be very engaging. They were truly sharing from their hearts. Concert Video Clip Hosting After the concert we…
Making Room on the Roof Top

Making Room on the Roof Top

Not Enough Space The average Hong Konger lives in 161 square feet of space. Studies suggest that that is 1/4 of the space the average American lives in. Housing in Hong Kong is among the most expensive in the world. The reality is most people just can’t afford a larger apartment. It is no wonder that many people store there items in private storage lockers. I know what it is like to live in 200 square feet, so I can understand people choosing to rent these cheaper storage units. The popularity of such facilities has really increase in recent years.…
TaiTan Trail Has it All Waterfront, Shade, and a Beach

TaiTan Trail Has it All Waterfront, Shade, and a Beach

Recently, TaiTan has been one of my favourite trails. It's in SaiKung East Country Park. I like running there. In the following video, I run the first section of the trail with my GoPro set to Time Wrap. This worked well for the very beginning of the trail, but after I entered the woods it became a little too intense. The path is relatively flat but it is not smooth. In fact, it feels a bit like an obstacle. There are rocks everywhere. So you are constantly moving up, down, and back and forth. Thankfully, all of this is for…
Get Healthy Then Care For Others

Get Healthy Then Care For Others

In Hong Kong, 74% mental health sufferers do not seek help. This statistic comes from MindHK. It represents something deeply wrong in our society. Get healthy Then care What’s the value of a life? In God’s eyes each person is of infinite value. We have a responsibility to ourselves and to those around us to value life. When a person is drowning in depression or other mental illnesses, they can’t see clearly. It may take years for them to recover. They are responsible for their life, but as adults (especially those who are primary care givers) we have a role…
Get them to Speak More English

Get them to Speak More English

As many of you know, I resigned from my teaching position at WFLC, Wong Fung Ling College, in December of last year, 2022, due to the vaccine mandate. Now it feels like I am beginning again. Upon returning from a home-visit to the US, the vaccine mandate was lifted. The vice-principal of my school reached out to me to let me know that the school was looking for a NET teacher. She asked me if I wanted to interview for my former position. I said sure. The first interview was being held the week after I arrived back from the states.…
Meeting New Friends

Meeting New Friends

Meeting new friends in another language is a cool experience. Somewhere on our language journeys we get to go beyond all of the formalities and the hard work of learning a new language and just experience it. It's not all fun; sometimes we don't understand what's going on around us. But little by little we understand enough to enjoy the experience and enter into the lives of a new set of friends. That's what happened to me. Yesterday, my wife, Tracy, invited me to a BBQ with her friends from the Lutheran Seminary. She took classes there and her classmates…
Highlight Videos from February 2023 Home visit

Highlight Videos from February 2023 Home visit

It's been four and half years since I was last home, so this visit was long over due. I spent about 2 weeks visiting with family and friends in Rochester NY. Then took a road trip with my parents to visit my sister and her family in Virginia. Her boys have really grown a lot since I last saw them. Then mom, dad and I took the Auto Train to Florida. In this blog, I will show you the highlight videos from different parts of my visit. Time with My Relatives I am so thankful things worked out for…
Unexpected Surprises at Ngong Ping 360

Unexpected Surprises at Ngong Ping 360

Yesterday was fun. Tracy and I decided to go for a cable car ride from Tung Chung to LanTau Island. I booked our tickets online and we saved close to 100 HK dollars by getting them online. It was a bit expensive, but I think it was worth it. We did it on a Friday, so there weren't many people there. Tracy and I enjoy riding cable cars and this one is a pretty long ride. The sun was out but it wasn't too strong. It was a beautiful day. As we entered the line to get on the cable…