Not long after I first heard of the MacLehose hiking trails, Tracy told me that they stretched across Hong Kong from Sai Kung all the way to Tsuen Wan. That sounded really cool to me, but it seemed like a distant piece of information to me. Well, in an effort to explore and get to know the trails that are right around me in ShaTin, I decided to hike to the MacLehose trail from the Lutheran Seminary in ShaTin last Sunday. Rain or shine was going to do it. I went online to find out that it would take me to Needle Hill, which sounded like a pretty cool outlook point for viewing the city. I didn’t realize that the same session of trail would take me all the way to Tseun Wan (the other end of Hong Kong). Admittedly there was a level of risk when I left the house there was a 50 to 60 percent chance of rain and I had no idea of how bad the trail would be if it rained. So I brought a rain coat and a plastic bag for my smart phone.

Not Afraid of the Rain

Actually the number of people on the MacLehose stage 7 surprised me. I figured with the threat of rain they would have stayed home. There were a number of runners running the trail and even a good number of older people with gray hair walking it also. I told myself I would have to go back when the weather is nicer. The fog obstructed the view from Needle Hill. All I could see surrounding me was white fog. Still on a positive note. If the sun had been out things would have been a lot hotter.

Here are the pictures I took. I really like the Sony RX100 m3. It is a bit like having a pocket size camera. Great depth of field control. Unfortunately, I do get purple fringing in some of the shots, but all in all it is a great camera.


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