Wow, I am surprised, Oxford and Cambridge, OxBridge teachers are back to TWGH’s English Summer Camp. It’s been a while, last year they hired teachers who lived in Hong Kong to teacher and before that the camp was canceled due to Covid19. Anyway, it felt good to have them back. The picture below has both the Hong Kong counseling staff and the teachers toasting each other. The HK counseling staff are a critical part of the program. They handle disciplinary issues and keep things running smoothly.

This is my 5th year participating in the summer camp. My school, currently has 8 students participating in the camp. I went to visit them last week Friday and Saturday. There were 2 other TWGH foreign teachers at the campsite visiting. I roomed with Andrew. It was good to see everyone having a good time. Friday night they had the fashion show. They have been doing that event for a number of years. Students really seem to like it. I enjoyed chatting with the students, the Hong Kong counseling staff, and the teachers. I randomly said hi and talked with many people. I think all of the students were polite, and most of them were able to talk with me in English. I enjoyed it.

I shot lots of pictures of our time together. Having a full frame camera really opens up a number of possibilities. It wasn’t just the fashion show, they also had dodge ball, badminton, dinner, and Noah’s Ark. Good times. Hope you enjoy.  


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