The Hong Kong government paid more than a million dollars to decorate the city with luminous eggs to attract people from other countries and those already living in Hong Kong to come out and enjoy a festive happy environment. Tracy and I went to visit the egg decorations near Admiralty Station in Tamar Park. One article describes it as egg-citing. Here’s another article on it in Chinese. We were making the best of these “Easter Egg” like creations. We saw lots of people enjoying themselves. Singles, married couples, Muslim ladies wearing their hair coverings and more. The skyline in Tamar Park is pretty by itself, but having good weather, decorative eggs and lots of people visiting just made the experience that much more enjoyable.

Egging the City

The eggs were big and plain white. Well, plain white until it got dark, and then they turned different colors. I like how there is an exit sign in the above picture. I think often we are looking for an exit. Hahaha. There is so much beauty and meaning all around us. We just have to be on the look out for it. Tracy and I saw a couple forming their hands together to make a heart and then taking a picture of it. We saw girls posing for pictures. I asked Tracy if I could take her picture but she didn’t want me to. I’m okay with that.

Looking For New Possibilities

I don’t always have to understand. I took some pictures of her from the back. We both enjoy taking pictures. She enjoyed shooting with her smartphone and I enjoyed shooting with my big full frame camera. In the past, I would have walked away with a lot of granny or possibly blurry images of people and city-scape. Sure, I would have had some keepers, but now I have a lot more keepers without using a tripod. It’s amazing the difference full frame makes in shooting night time pictures. It opens up new possibilities that were not there before.

Living in Reality

It’s important for us to live in the reality that is. There are many things that we can’t change, and complaining won’t help. It’s better to enjoy. We don’t have to like or agree with everything to walk away with something valuable. For example, neither Tracy nor I appreciated the music that was playing. It had a distinctly Buddhist feel to it and it was meditational in nature. We are not Buddhist, so we couldn’t align ourselves with the spiritual vibe being presented. However, one positive that came about from this was that it reminded us to pray for Hong Kong.

Appreciating People

It’s not easy to raise kids in today’s world. Every day people work long hours. Then they come home and spend time with their families. Many people feel exhausted. Yet they still manage to find the time to come out and take part in activities like this one. You can see happiness and smiles on some peoples faces, but you can also see weariness and lack of expression on other people’s faces. The time is fleeting before you know it today’s memories will be washed away by tomorrows. Take time to treasure these moments. Here are some moments from – 2021 Rediscovering My Favourite Pictures.

I wonder what this boy is thinking. Is praying? Does think the future will be bright? I want to think that he is adventurous and strong. There’s a world of possibilities waiting for him. Does he have a strong family to raise him? Will he make wise choices? There is so much that we don’t know. All we can do is pray and try to be there to support those God puts into our lives.

Obstructions in Front of US

I think sometimes we see these large obstacles in front of us. They obstruct our view. We wish they weren’t there or we try to frame our picture differently so that they are not there. That’s not always the best approach. Reality won’t always be like we envisioned it, but that doesn’t mean that we can’t enjoy it. Take time to ask God to give you His eyes for your situation. Maybe you can learn to see things differently. Maybe the metal obstacles in your path can serve as launch pads for something new.


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