It seems that where every you go, whatever you do, or whoever you talk with COVID19 is everywhere. In fact, lots of people are not going anywhere, they are just staying at home. These are desperate times. Lots of people are out of work. They can’t afford even afford the basics they need for everyday life. People are stressed.

For the last several weeks now I have been making power points, worksheets and some videos for my Creative Arts class on Film Appreciation. I have enjoyed making lessons for Inside Out and can see a lot of parallels between it and our everyday life. Recently the part where Bing Bong has just lost his rocket and feels devastated has stood out to me. In that moment of despair, he says, “Riley can’t be done with me.” For him the idea that Riley no longer wanted the rocket translated to Riley not wanting him. Bing Bong felt like he had lost his very purpose for living. I wonder how many people can echo the sediments found in Bing Bong’s words.

As I have been watching Hong Kong television news magazine programs and seeing people talk about the pain of their situations, I have been hearing Bing Bong’s words, “Riley can’t be done with me,” repeat over and over again in my mind. It’s like these people are saying, “My life can’t be over. There has to be more to life than this.” They are feeling extremely vulnerable, and would do anything to not be in their current situation. Who can they look to for words of wisdom or advice?

This morning I saw a brief part of Queen Elizabeth’s speech where she told her fellow countrymen to take comfort that better days would come. I suppose it does help to have someone of high position say these words to us, but it can’t substitute for having someone to come along side of us during the difficult time. Kind of like Sadness did for Bing Bong. What’s happened to many of us truly is sad and needs to be grieved. So many lives are being lost and it’s not fair. It just seems so wrong. It’s okay to cry and to cry with those who cry. One day as the queen said we will move on to better days. Unfortunately, for most of us the reality of the moment is far too weighty to be pushed out of our minds.

So take your time being sad. Find someone to be sad with. Don’t give up hope. God is good in spite of the darkness that seems so present.


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