Today the high rises are going up and tomorrow up to 10,000 families will be moving in. That’s a lot of people. See The City Is Taking Over The Countryside. Will SaiSha Road, the soon to be 4 lane main road to WuKaiSha, be enough, or will developers insist on another road along the waterfront that tarnishes the natural beauty of this region yet again? The Tseng Tau waterfront is in the backyard of the village houses across the main road from where we live. I like walking there on the weekend to relax. A few weeks ago they opened the footbridge and I walked across to visit the water front, but the water level rose too quickly for me to get back on dry land so I decided to film part of the experience. I thought I would encourage you all to enjoy nature while you still can.

No One Knows the Future

Don’t just assume that you will be able to go hiking, swimming, or running in the future. You may not be able to for reasons outside of your control. Development might replace the waterfront with a road, more houses, or something else made out of concrete. Also we don’t know what tomorrow will bring. Also on an individual level we don’t know what tomorrow will bring for us personally. Will we still have the gift of physical fitness that we enjoy today. Don’t presume on tomorrow. A lot of people just assume that they will still have their current level of physical fitness tomorrow. In Hong Kong everyone is busy. The days, mouths, and years fly by. We look back and wonder where did the time go. So get out there do something active and fun.

Here’s a song by Switchfoot that talks about living our lives intentionally. It’s called This is Your Life

If you enjoy hiking along the waterfront, SaiKung has some nice possibilities. One of my favourites is TaiTan. Here’s a link to TaiTan has it All. Another possibility could be SaiKung’s Beautiful Beaches.


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