Our trip to scenic, historic, and special GamZhou set off from Austin station at 9am. It was the Easter Holiday, so Big Line organized 4 bus loads of people. There were a lot of people, but everything flowed together smoothly. The high speed rail to GamZhou only took 3 hours and it was comfortable. Tracy and I shared a meal on the train. Actually this was the only meal that Big Line didn’t cover for us. Honestly, I am fine with that. They gave us more than enough food to eat and it was all delicious.


Hong Kong people are very cautious about having their picture taken. Hopefully, I have not offended anyone with these pictures. The servers kept coming out with more dishes. We were always making room for new dishes. It was nice.


The trip was four days and 3 nights, so we had 3 hotels. The first one was decorated with a Spring theme. The hotel was special as it had 30 different hot spring pools. As you would expect, I wasn’t allowed to take pictures at the hot spring pools. I personally tried 3 of them. Each one was a little bit different. The hotel looked especially nice at night. Here are some of the shots I took.


I liked the second hotel, YaShan, the best. It seems to be well known in this region. Their facilities and campus were very pleasant.


The food and the accommodations were terrific, but it was the scenery and the hot springs that attracted us to join this trip. The Stone City is located on the right hand corner of the map. We saw huge rock formations, cherry blossoms, and glass bridge. The glass bridge was very unique.

Lots More Could Be Said

This city is definitely worth visiting. It’s historic and pretty. I would have liked to have had more time for hiking, but that’s one of the disadvantages of going with a large tour group. Still as you can see from the pictures, it was well worth it. You should definitely go and enjoy.


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