Here’s my updated favourite photos of the year. These where all taken in 2023. When it comes to buildings and architecture, Hong Kong is a photographer’s paradise. Where do you start? There are just so many amazing buildings. Of course, you should definitely go to the Peak. We had friends visit this year and we took them to the Peak. It’s the most iconic site for shooting Hong Kong’s high rises. There’s a Pacific Coffee right there as well. It is nicely situated to offer a great view. It offers modern design and the familiar comfort of your favourite tea or coffee. One could spend hours photographing the cityscape on Hong Kong Island side. Some ten years ago, I made a photo montage of the HK Symphony of Lights. The pictures were shot with the Nikon D700. Over to the New Territories, there aren’t many green grassy places you can go to in Hong Kong. The Seventh Day Adventist College is one of them. The buildings and the environment over there are unique and definitely worth checking out. Here are some that I uploaded to flickr.


Construction in Hong Kong is a constant reality. It seems like one project finishes and another starts. In my area, there are multiple construction projects going on at the same time. For example, there is the road widening project and there are the Tseng Tau high rises. Both of these projects are very extensive. If you live close by, it’s impossible to miss them. Yet I would say that the construction teams have done a good job of remaining in the background and not obstructing the public’s everyday work/life activities. I really like the picture of the village houses, road, cars, and high rises going up in the background.


Tracy and I went to Cambodia last summer. Our friends recommended a guide named Tha. Tha’s English was good and he was very knowledgeable. I took many pictures these were some of my favourites. There are hundreds of temples in Cambodia. When you consider their size and intricacy, it really is quite captivating.


Six days isn’t a long time but it’s long enough to leave a lasting impression. Whether it’s the ice castles, St. Sophia’s Cathedral,  the nice hotels, or the art museum, I don’t think Tracy and I will forget our time in Harbin.  Big Line did a great job of organizing and leading our trip to Harbin .


At the end of the day a motorcycle is super basic 2 wheels, a steering wheel, and a seat. This one has definitely seen better days. If you have for a motorcycle, it’s safe to bet that it is in better condition than this one. Count your blessings. While we were in Harbin, we saw families piled up on motor scooters riding down snowy roads in – 20 degree weather at night. I know it sounds crazy. They ride with their feet hanging down in case the bike slides and they need to catch themselves from falling. As we passed them in the comfort of our bus, I was grateful for the comfortable seat and slightly heated bus interior.

Sunset and Nature

Photography is all about light and shadows. Nature offers us beautiful landscapes that seem to come to life as the sun colors the scenes with warm tones and contrasts. It delights our senses. Here is a sunset timelapse video that was shot prior to 2023. Below are my favourite sunset pictures along with some shots taken at the Clearwater Bay Golf Course. We went there on a Charity Walk. The sunset shots were taken across the main road from where we live at Tseng Tau Tsuen


Tracy and I got to meet and reconnect with a variety of people. Here’s a smattering of people pictures taken over the last year. The two African guys are from Watoto. We had the blessing of hosting them. Next to the basketball photo, there’s a shot of our English Ambassadors in Tsim Sha Tsui for a Globalization Tour. The last one is my family taken with my aunt and uncle in Florida during last year’s homevisit.

Young People and Kids

There is a special innocents and joyful spirit on kid’s faces when they play. I think as a teacher, I don’t get to see it nearly enough. We tell the kids that learning can fun, but I don’t think they believe us. It seems like we are all stuck with our electronic gadgets, work to do, and schedules to keep. My church did a field trip to an organic farm. It was a great escape from the business of everyday life. These are some of the pictures that I shot. The other young people you see, are having their sports day in MaOnShan.


I could have just lumped Watoto Kids in with the children above, but there is something uniquely special about them. They have seen poverty and they are grateful for the chance to be alive. As one of the young men who visited us prayed. “We could have died, but You (God) have spared us.” African’s from Uganda see death on a regular bases. They know that life is fragile. Our tomorrows are not guaranteed. Enjoy today and thank God for it. 


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