Watoto is a ministry to orphans in Uganda Africa. They have more than 1000 orphans and more than 1000 staff. Their approach to raising kids is wholistic and worthy of being studied and implemented around the world, but up until 2 months ago Tracy and I knew very little about Watoto. It all started with an advertisement for a children’s concert that Tracy had seen. My first impression was the excellence with which they performed. We found their music and testimonies to be very engaging. They were truly sharing from their hearts.

Concert Video Clip


After the concert we stopped at one of their information tables in the lobby. A Watoto staff told us that they still needed people to host their choir team members. Neither Tracy nor I thought we would be able to host due to their schedules conflicting with our work schedules. Thankfully we were able to work it out. Yes it cost us in terms of time, taxi fares, gas, and food, but I really feel that we received more than we gave. As you look at the pictures and watch the videos you might think it looks too good to be authentic. I felt that way too, but after hosting different team members for 3 weeks, I want to say their smiles and joy are real. God has transformed their lives.

Off the Stage

Our Outing to the Peak

Offering the Gospel and Hope

Tracy and I were privileged to hear story after story of the Lord’s faithfulness. Watoto’s Children’s Choir travels the world. They are well received, yes for their excellence on the stage in concert both in churches and in high schools, but also for their willingness to share their lives through cultural exchange experiences in the high schools. In Hong Kong many young people suffer from anxiety and depression. We don’t talk about how many young people have taken their lives, but it’s a serious problem. I’m thankful for Watoto’s unapologetic presentation of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of hope.    

The Blessing Song

The choir sang the blessing song at their going away party. Some of the host families participating were new to hosting others had already been doing it for years. I’m including this brief video because I think it really expresses their hearts. Sure they come from a “poor country” but they are not poor. Collectively I think they have an abundance mentality and I believe the Spirit of God is with them.

From Hong Kong to Singapore and then Malaysian

Watoto spent 2 months here in Hong Kong and have now moved on to Singapore and then they will go to Malaysia. The director of Watoto Hong Kong said it well, when he said that the adult team members take care of the children as if they were there own. Both Tracy and I witnessed this first hand. We were really impressed with the behavior of the kids and their interactions with their staff. We truly had a good time with them.


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