Growing up, Summer camp was extremely important to my development. I attended a variety of camps in middle school and in high school. Now as an English teacher in Hong Kong, I am happy to see students participating in TWGH’s (Tung Wah Group Hospitals) English camps. TWGH is a large organization. All together there are 18 schools. Each school sends around 8 students, so that means there are approximately 150 students attending. Thankfully The Seventh Day Adventists Academy has been able to host the camp for many years now. In Hong Kong it is rare to see so much grass. Their campus is surrounded by nature.

This was my 4th time to attend English Summer camp. The students have opportunities to interact in English with each other and their teachers in English. They also have lots of chances to have fun together. The teachers are from foreign countries and there are Hong Kong staff there to support them as well. When kids play together, they often bond together. They learn about themselves and each other. I recommend this camp.    

Below I am posting 4 years of videos. For most of the years, I was there for 2 days of the camp and that was enough time to get a taste of what the camp was like. The campers get to build things, play games, act in dramas, sing, dance and more. So far, I think my favourite year was 2017. Over the years there have been some changes to the program. 2023 marks a significant change the teachers are not longer from Oxford and Cambridge. Now they are from a variety of foreign countries represented. I am happy to report that the quality is still very good. I hope you enjoy. 






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