Not Enough Space

The average Hong Konger lives in 161 square feet of space. Studies suggest that that is 1/4 of the space the average American lives in. Housing in Hong Kong is among the most expensive in the world. The reality is most people just can’t afford a larger apartment. It is no wonder that many people store there items in private storage lockers. I know what it is like to live in 200 square feet, so I can understand people choosing to rent these cheaper storage units. The popularity of such facilities has really increase in recent years.

Buy a Used Storage Unit

Of course, a cheaper alternative to renting a storage unit is buying your own storage unit. Well, that is assuming you have space to put one and the price you pay for the unit isn’t too high. Currently, my wife and I live in a village house. We have 700 square feet and for the most part we like the layout of our flat. We also have a roof top. Why not use the roof top for a storage unit? My wife, Tracy, likes to look on house28 for good deals on a variety of things, so it wasn’t too much of a surprise when she told me that she had found a storage unit and that she had bargained the price down to 700 HKD. Of course you can find them on Facebook or Hong Kong Carousell and other places. I just had to go disassemble it, pack it into a GoGo Van, and then reassemble it on our roof top. Thankfully I didn’t have to do all of that myself. I got a friend to help me disassemble it at the sellers house. We then loaded it into a GoGo Van and took it to my apartment.

Now the storage unit is finished and we have freed up space for other things in the house. The project definitely took longer than I expected, but that’s okay. I am grateful that I could do it. It will help us enjoy our village house space a little bit more. Hopefully this inspires you to make room at your house.

Below is a video of the assembly on our rooftop.  


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