Is it okay to speed? How fast is too fast? Different people have different answers to these questions. Some will say drive the speed limit and no faster. There are also those out there who drive below the speed limit. Where ever you stand, remember to be safe. Recently, I was driving on Hiram highway road. It’s a two lane road that winds back and forth. I was approaching Sai Kung. The time was around 9:30 at night. Because it was night there weren’t as many cars on the road. If it had been during the day, I doubt it would have been possible to speed. There would have been a car in front of me that would have kept me going below the speed limit. At the time, I didn’t think anything of going 20 km over the speed limit. Some days later I received a notice in the mail asking if it was me on Hiram highway going 20 km over the speed limit. I had to reply yes. Since then I have concluded, drive slow or get a ticket.

Speed limit 50 kmh traffic sign

Respect the Law

For me this is an example of live in learn. Life is always offering us lessons to learn. I respect the law of the land that sets the speed limits. I understand that they are put in place to keep people safe. I understand that there is a consequence for not obeying them. In my case, I got 3 points added to my license and had to pay a fine. This was not fun, but it was a reality. If you break the law you have to prepare to pay the consequences for breaking the law. I will definitely be more mindful of my speed next time I am driving on Hiram highway.


At the time I wrote this, I thought my ticket would be an isolated incident. I can speed on other roads and not get caught, right? Well, maybe not. I got two more tickets on the same day. That was enough for me to say enough. I didn’t do anything different than I had done previously. Awhile later I told the insurance agent, “I have adjusted. Speeding is no longer accepted in Hong Kong cameras are now everywhere.” My convictions that it is okay to speed have been outweighed by the reality of tickets.

Club Rides

On Sundays, I used to ride I with a club of motorcyclists. We all love motorcycles. My bike is a Honda CB400, so it has 400cc. Most of the guys and one girl in the club have bikes that are 800cc or larger. Some of the bikes are very expensive. They have a lot of horsepower. There is a definite difference from when they accelerate and when I accelerate, but still my bike does okay. Here is a video of part of one of our recent rides. You will see I try to keep some space between myself and the other riders. Not everyone one has the same margin of safety. I miss riding with this group.

A High Price to Pay

Recently there have been a lot of young people riding 400cc racing bikes who have been in accidents and yes a number of them have died. Death and injury are high prices to pay. It is very sobering. The police continue to warn the public that reckless speeding will not be tolerated. Law enforcement are there to keep us safe and it’s good that they are warning people and enforcing the speed limit. Unfortunately, there are many young people who feel invincible on their motorcycles. For sure these bikes are powerful and it is exciting to drive them, but just remember, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Some risks just aren’t worth taking. Have fun but be safe.


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