Alright I know we can’t force kids to have fun, and 2 weeks is a scary long time for some of them. But I visited the camp twice this year and I saw a summer camp full of happy faces. Here’s a link for last week’s Friday and Saturday activities. Sure it takes some time for students to warm up to each other, but once they do some of them don’t want to leave. The environment was good. I arrived at about 2:15 on Wednesday afternoon and I got to see students from my school. Here’s a 2 minute photo montage of their time at the camp – WFLC English Summer Camp. Of course, it was hot out so many of the students were taking a break in their rooms. The afternoon was a bit laid back. There wasn’t a lot of structure. As I walked around the campus, I saw students working on different projects. They needed to make presentations on whatever topic they choose for that evening, and they could pretty much choose whatever media they wanted to. Personally, I was a little bit worried that it might have been a little too open ended for them. I saw students out practicing and other students or counselors filming them.

Fashion Show

Previously, I came for the fashion show. On the following night, I heard they had a talent show. Now they were about to have a night of creative presentations. I feel like teamwork has been a common theme for the camp. It’s not easy to cooperate with others and produce something that’s really good, but they pulled it off. You could see it in their faces. They were really enjoying the presentations and their hard work had paid off. The first presentation was on visiting London. It was informational. The students did a good job. There was one presentation on polar bears fighting for a girl. When I saw the group in practice, I told them that it looked too disconnected. I mean, I could see that there were two bears fighting each other and I could see that there was a girl, but I couldn’t see any connection. I told them that one of the guys needed to actually run after the girl. It was funny. They took my advice.

Then on Thursday the students had classes. I went around to the different classrooms. They were teaching on fairy tales. The students shared about popular fairy tales and then wrote their own fairy tales. Some of the classes listened to songs on YouTube and then discussed the songs. Others watched videos. I could see that the teachers had put effort into preparing their lessons. It was enjoyable.


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