Making the Best of Luminous Eggs

Making the Best of Luminous Eggs

The Hong Kong government paid more than a million dollars to decorate the city with luminous eggs to attract people from other countries and those already living in Hong Kong to come out and enjoy a festive happy environment. Tracy and I went to visit the egg decorations near Admiralty Station in Tamar Park. One article describes it as egg-citing. Here's another article on it in Chinese. We were making the best of these "Easter Egg" like creations. We saw lots of people enjoying themselves. Singles, married couples, Muslim ladies wearing their hair coverings and more. The skyline in Tamar…
Where to Live in Hong Kong?

Where to Live in Hong Kong?

They say home is where the heart is. Unfortunately, it seems that there are a number of people that don't feel at home in Hong Kong. Lots of people have expressed their views on why that is. Here I want to focus on choices we can make to feel more at home in our houses / apartments in Hong Kong. I think the first step is to stop complaining and to take initiative. A home should be a place where you can recharge your batteries and feel refreshed. Tracy and I have lived in a variety of apartments all over…
Sports Day Adds Value

Sports Day Adds Value

Before going to China and Hong Kong, I had never heard of Sports Day. The idea of asking the entire school to take part in a track meet that lasted a couple of days seemed very ambitious to me, but I have to admit there are a few things that I really liked about it. A lot of times people think that you have to be really athletic to try out for a school sport. We tend to think that sports need to be "professional". Only the best players or runners can make the cut and get on the team.…
Alone And Sometimes Lonely

Alone And Sometimes Lonely

It’s not good to be alone. Wikipedia says - "Loneliness is an unpleasant emotional response to perceived isolation." I like how it says perceived. You can feel lonely in the midst of a crowd. It's okay to feel lonely. It's a part of our human experience, just like sadness. However prolonged loneliness is often a warning sign that something is not right in our lives. Ideally we would live our lives connected to others in meaningful relationships. Unfortunately, sometimes our situations make that difficult. We will be alone and sometimes lonely. If that sounds like you, don't despair. Loneliness is…
What If You Waste My Time?

What If You Waste My Time?

A few years ago, a teacher I knew had the words, “To Hell With You If You Waste My Time,” posted on her bookshelf. I was shocked the first time I saw it, but I didn’t have the courage to ask her about it. She seemed like a nice person. Why, would she wish hell on another person who wasted her time? It didn’t make sense to me. That teacher has moved on from the school, so I can’t ask her but I’m guessing that she carries some deep seeded insecurity. In today’s performance based culture, those who perform well…
“Like They Would Talk To You”

“Like They Would Talk To You”

The simplicity of Alex and Cory’s chat really gets to the heart of the matter. The 2 boys lived in a boy’s home. Yes, they saw girls from the girl’s home at regularly schedule times that were supervised, but staff was always watching. Home visit represented freedom for the residents. It was a part of their program and transition back into normal life. Girls are a part of normal life. It’s good that Alex was excited about seeing and talking with girls again. God put that longing for interaction with the opposite sex deep in our hearts. Alex says, “I’m…