An Interview with a Cross Cultural Couple

An Interview with a Cross Cultural Couple

A few weeks ago my cousin Aaron, his wife Misha, and their 2 year old son Kide (It means Maple in Filipino) visited Tracy and I in Hong Kong. We had a great time together. I'm always curious about the role language plays in a cross cultural couples marriage, so I asked Aaron and Misha for an interview. They graciously accepted. Three key take aways from our talk are the importance of patience, Misha says Aaron is patient, the importance of having a vision, and thirdly being positive.
Can You Relate to Understanding Everything and Then Nothing?

Can You Relate to Understanding Everything and Then Nothing?

Have you ever been in a conversation with someone in English when a few others stepped into the room, and all of the sudden the channel was switched to another language, and you no longer understood what was going on? You go from understanding everything and then nothing. Well, if you have taught English as a second language in another culture, I’d being willing to bet that you have. How did you feel? How did you respond to it? It happens to me quite a bit. I think it’s a little bit like eating a meal with a person, but…
A Look at 4 Years of TWGH’s English Summer Camps

A Look at 4 Years of TWGH’s English Summer Camps

Growing up, Summer camp was extremely important to my development. I attended a variety of camps in middle school and in high school. Now as an English teacher in Hong Kong, I am happy to see students participating in TWGH's (Tung Wah Group Hospitals) English camps. TWGH is a large organization. All together there are 18 schools. Each school sends around 8 students, so that means there are approximately 150 students attending. Thankfully The Seventh Day Adventists Academy has been able to host the camp for many years now. In Hong Kong it is rare to see so much grass. Their campus…
End of the Year Globalization Tour

End of the Year Globalization Tour

The English Ambassadors from my school just had a globalization tour field trip in Tsim Sha Tsui. Ms. Kwok, Mr. Wai, and Ms. Wong all worked hard to train the ambassadors. I am proud of the students for sticking with the program and I think it is fitting that the school offered the students an end of the year treat for all of their hard work. Ms. Kwok scheduled for us to meet our tour guide Audrea at the chock- tower in TST at 9:45. Audrea took us to 10 famous tourist spots and explained their significance to us. She…