As many of you know, I resigned from my teaching position at WFLC, Wong Fung Ling College, in December of last year, 2022, due to the vaccine mandate. Now it feels like I am beginning again. Upon returning from a home-visit to the US, the vaccine mandate was lifted. The vice-principal of my school reached out to me to let me know that the school was looking for a NET teacher. She asked me if I wanted to interview for my former position. I said sure. The first interview was being held the week after I arrived back from the states. It felt really strange to be interviewed by my former colleagues. Ms. Kwok’s words we need to you to get them to speak more English still resonate with me.

My Own Class

During the interview, they told me about a significant change in the position that would be implemented in the fall. The NET teacher will no longer be accompanied by local teachers in the classroom. On the one hand, I was excited to hear this news, but on the other hand, I felt anxious. It meant that I would now be in charge of classroom management. I began to ask myself, “Could I get the students to behave? Would they respond well to my English and Cantonese?” Then sure enough, they asked me how I would do if I was given the role. I wasn’t sure but because it was an interview I tried to answer positively. Before the interview was over, Ms. Kwok asked me if I had any questions for them. I asked what they thought I needed to improve. Ms. Kwok offered a number of things that I had done well and transitioned to an area that needs improvement. She said they need me to get the students speaking more English.

Speak More English

Ever since that moment, my mind has been mulling over the question, how do I get the students speaking English. I am glad she didn’t say that I have to get them to learn English. That would be a more difficult task, but getting them to speak English that should be a doable task. I decided that I can do it. Some weeks later, I went in for the second interview with the principal, vice-principal, and a leader from TWGH. I really felt more at peace with this interview. After it was done, I told my wife, Tracy, that I nailed it. I could tell that I had impressed them.

I received a letter from the school on the day after the Easter holiday from the school secretary informing me that they wanted to hire me, but that all of the paperwork needed to first be evaluated by TWGH’s administrative staff. Currently, the school and TWGH are working out the details for my new employment contract. One of the school staff told me I should be able to start working again by the end of May.

I feel both excited and a little apprehensive. I don’t like the thought of going through the workday in my own little NET bubble. Most of the teachers don’t speak to me unless I speak to them first. If they do speak to me it’s usually about something school related. I understand that being colleagues doesn’t mean that you are necessarily friends. I also understand that there are varying levels of friendship. Still, I find that I wish I had more “friends” at work. I feel that the language barrier has made this difficult. Colleagues don’t usually speak English unless they are coming to talk to me and it feels awkward when I step into conversations. I don’t always understand what they are saying. I want to have the courage to be myself regardless of how others respond.

Wong Fung Ling College 2.0

I am calling this leg of my journey WFLC 2.0. There are a number of things that I think I did right in my 6 years at the school, but there are also a number of things that I believe I need to improve upon. From my interactions with the teaching staff, it seems that many of them feel the workload they are carrying is oppressive. I feel for them, but it is like I am an outsider looking in. As a NET, I don’t carry the same burden they do. Of course, for the most part I can’t make their workloads any lighter, but I hope that I will be able to be a source of comfort and encouragement.

When it comes to working with the students. I have a number of ideas that I am excited about, but it’s hard to tell how the ideas will be received. In the past, I always had a local teacher to help me out if I missed something or was struggling with something. It feels a little bit like I am graduating. They are asking me to run my own class. I am excited. It’s a little bit like a new beginning. Of course I want to help them learn English, but I also want to help them gain hope for the future.

1 Comment

  1. Bertha Saho

    Congratulations Ken. God does still work in mysterious ways.
    I will be lifting you up in prayer.
    And how exciting and challenging for you to walk this new path.
    Sending love.

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