Recently, I was reviewing my favourite pictures from 2021, and I realized that I hadn’t made a favourites blog for last year yet. Well, I know this is a little bit late, but I thought I would take this opportunity to share some of the highlights of 2022 by way of both pictures and a few videos. A number of these are scenery pictures. I really like this first one and it is super close to my village house.

Tracy calls this my secret garden. I like going back here for quiet and it offers a chance to enjoy nature. I used Capture One to edit the path on this picture.
I was out for a walk with some friends from a small group.
This was a new hike for Tracy and I in SaiKung East Country Park. I was fascinated by these ruins and experimented Capture One styles to alter the mood of the picture a little.
This is from the above hike. We did it on a Saturday. It proved to be a very popular place. The path around this semi-circle was not very wide and it was broken in places. Everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves.
Nature and sunshine combine together to make for some beautiful pictures. I took this near the Kowloon Reservoir. The monkeys seem to like it over there. But I didn’t get there pictures.
After 2 years of studying for her certificate in peer counseling, my wife, Tracy graduated. Yeah… Here’s 3 minutes from the service.
This was Tracy’s mom’s last visit to here old apartment. Her health declined very quickly.
Here’s Hong Kong Island Side with a Star Ferry. It’s a bit overcast but there are some colors from the building lights and of course the colorful star ferry.
The food in Hong Kong is delicious and it doesn’t even have to be expensive. These are Shanghai Noodles. They are yum and they cost around 50 to 60 Hong Kong Dollars. I like them. So far I think the restaurant in YuenLong makes the best dumplings and noddles.
Fruitful Farm was also a memorable experience. Schools ought to do more field trips. Nature has a lot to offer us.
I took this with a pocket camera. This is zoomed into approximately 700mm. It lacks sharpness and quality of my big lens, but still not bad for a pocket camera. I need to go back there with my big lens.
Here’s the entrance the village houses just behind my village house apartment. I love the colors, sunshine, fog and mountains. We are privileged to be surrounded by nature. Years ago some friends in China told me that it was rare for nature to be preserved. Why, because it’s just too tempting for governments to exploit it for economic development. Now I am experiencing this first hand, the beautiful view from my apartment is being obstructed by construction. There is a big development going on to the right of this picture.
This isn’t my first time to post this picture of my Honda CB400. Still, I think it deserves to be in my favourite pictures of 2022.
This teacher served for more than 30 years at my previous school. We were sad to see him go.
2022 was special for Tracy and I, as we renewed our vows. We took this picture around the time of our anniversary in April.


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