What will your friends say about you at your 60th birthday? About 2 weeks ago, I attended a friends 60th birthday party. Below is the video of my friends 60th. Years ago, I read a book by John Maxwell on leadership. The book talked about developing good habits to become the person you wanted to become. John suggested that it would take time, 5 years or more, before you would begin to see some fruit from your habits. Five years may not be long enough to see a tremendous change, but if you start young by your 60th birthday your life should be full of good fruit for both you and your loved ones to enjoy. Apparently, Chinese people recognize a person’s 60th birthday as a milestone. I think this is really cool. I believe other cultures would also benefit from this tradition.

Choosing to Bless Others

As you can see from the video I filmed, TingHo is rich in friends. He and his wife have helped and supported a good number of people over the years. He is humorous, lighthearted, and he loves the Lord. Now a days, it seems that lots of people are busy pursing their own hobbies and interests. They figure if they don’t take everything for themselves, they will miss out on what life has to offer. The idea that it is better to give than to receive doesn’t make sense to them. I’m glad TingHo and his wife are not like that. They have practiced good habits over a long period of time and have lived to see the reward. May God continue to bless them.


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