The more you shoot the better you get and the more keeper pictures you will have. Yes, you could also say the more you shoot the more mistakes you will make. This sounds like a, “Is the glass half full or half empty concept.” Yes it is, but stick with me. With time your percentage of keeper pictures will increases and you become more confident. I suppose there are people out there who purposefully take their camera with them everywhere because they want to get better, but I think the majority of us shoot pictures and video because we enjoy it. If we had to take our camera everywhere and always be shooting with it, it would start to become a burden.

I think for the average person, life gets busy and other things take priority so the camera stays hidden away. Then some event happens and we decided, oh it would be nice to have pictures of that, so we get out our cameras. That’s how it has been for me recently.

Daniel is in the Spot Light

Friends of mine announced that she was coming back to Hong Kong for home visit, so a bunch of friends decided to go out for dim-sum together. One of the couples attending has a little boy. His name is Daniel, and Daniel definitely stole the show. It wasn’t just me that was taking pictures of him. Others were also. In this case, I really looked forward to the event because I knew I would be able to give his parents some pictures that they would like.

Then following that the school had their form 6 graduation. As a NET teacher, I am pretty free during these kinds of events. I think the school is grateful that I enjoy shooting pictures and video. It’s not hard for them to assign me something to do. Generally the school media team has lots of students out and about shooting pictures, but this year they had people covering both pictures and video. I decided to shoot video with the aim of making keep a 5 minutes video. Of course, 5 minutes of video with a camera that is fixed on a tripod would be a bit boring. I knew I would need to keep the camera moving and capture the venue from different angles. On my previous video project, I was using a field monitor and a gimbal and I was happy with the results. However with this video, I attempted it with just the cameras inbuilt stabilization. In some places it’s good. In other places it’s a bit shaky. I tried to plug into the schools sound system for the audio, but the staff told me that that was not possible. So instead I used an independent camera microphone. The audio is not great, but overall I was pretty pleased with the video.

For this last event the students and teachers performed a variety of songs, speeches, and dances. I decided to shoot pictures. Here are the pictures.


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