60th Birthdays – Milestone

60th Birthdays – Milestone

What will your friends say about you at your 60th birthday? About 2 weeks ago, I attended a friends 60th birthday party. Below is the video of my friends 60th. Years ago, I read a book by John Maxwell on leadership. The book talked about developing good habits to become the person you wanted to become. John suggested that it would take time, 5 years or more, before you would begin to see some fruit from your habits. Five years may not be long enough to see a tremendous change, but if you start young by your 60th birthday your…
Farming with the S2 Students

Farming with the S2 Students

Last week my school went on a field trip. Actually there were several different field trips. A different trip for each grade level. I went farming with the S2 students. We went to a farm in GamTin, YuenLong. It has been a few years since we have been able to do this type of outing. We had fun together. In the following video, I describe the experience with pictures and video from the event. https://vimeo.com/769306176


Is it okay to speed? How fast is too fast? Different people have different answers to these questions. Some will say drive the speed limit and no faster. There are also those out there who drive below the speed limit. Where ever you stand, remember to be safe. Recently, I was driving on Hiram highway road. It’s a two lane road that winds back and forth. I was approaching Sai Kung. The time was around 9:30 at night. Because it was night there weren’t as many cars on the road. If it had been during the day, I doubt it…
New Hike with a Beach Swim – Nice

New Hike with a Beach Swim – Nice

Hard to believe the summer holiday is over. I had 2 and a half weeks. Most of the teachers at my school didn't get that long. They were and most likely still are busy preparing for the new school year. For the time being, we will be going back to half day classes with the students. Teachers will be required to put in full days at school. So we are transitioning again. There is a lot of uncertainty. In honor of this transition, I decided to take an entirely new hike with a beach swim at TaiTan. Hong Kong summers…
Shoot More Keeper Pictures

Shoot More Keeper Pictures

The more you shoot the better you get and the more keeper pictures you will have. Yes, you could also say the more you shoot the more mistakes you will make. This sounds like a, "Is the glass half full or half empty concept." Yes it is, but stick with me. With time your percentage of keeper pictures will increases and you become more confident. I suppose there are people out there who purposefully take their camera with them everywhere because they want to get better, but I think the majority of us shoot pictures and video because we enjoy…
My First Police Traffic Stop in HK

My First Police Traffic Stop in HK

It was an ordinary Sunday with the motorcycle club, but today would be different. I always enjoy the conversations that I get to have with the guys in the bike club. Actually, there is one girl in the group that I am aware of anyway, but she didn’t come today. We had really nice weather. There were a lot of police out, but I didn't think anything of it. It was just a normal ride. I had some issues with my GoPro, so I wasn’t able to get all of the footage from the ride. At one of our rest…
2021 Rediscovering My Favourite Pictures

2021 Rediscovering My Favourite Pictures

A lot can happen in a year and this year is no exemption. Sometimes in the busyness of every day life we forget about our pictures. I usually have a sense of a picture being good or not good when I take it, but not always. Sometimes a picture sits for months and may even be forgotten, but these pictures are worth rediscovering. Anyway, I just want to encourage you to take some time to sort through last years pictures. What did you take that was worth remembering? Here are some of my favourites from 2021. The first several ones…
Find the Escape that is Right For You

Find the Escape that is Right For You

View Post Last summer, on June 15th, I bought a Honda CB400 motorcycle. I call it CB for short. CB has become like an escape for me. It is a lot of fun to drive. It takes me a lot of places. I don't think I would have ever spent extra money to make the bike sound louder and more cool, but I am glad one of the previous owners did. A lot of people consider me a quiet person. I stand out in crowd because I am tall and I have blond hair, but I don't usually try to…