White Stone is Beautiful but Not Perfect

White Stone is Beautiful but Not Perfect

There’s water, hills, lots of sunshine, blue sky with white puffy clouds, and wild life. I won’t try to tell you that it’s picture perfect. It’s not, but at least it is natural. They didn’t bring in fake grass to try to fix the brown grass. Sometimes in life we forget that many things are beautiful but not perfect. Nature has a way of reminding us of this. I think it took me about an hour to get to White Stone from my home in ShaTin. I left about 10 minutes to 7am, as I knew it was going to…
Are You Going it Alone?

Are You Going it Alone?

The other day I was out for a walk and I was struck by the different personalities of pigeons by the beach. There were pigeons huddled in groups seeking attention. There were ones that just seemed to blend in and there were more aggressive types. One bird really stood out to me. He wasn't in a group. He was on his own. The others seemed to have their backs towards him, and he seemed to be purposefully lifting his leg to walk further away from them. He was going it alone. An Outcast? The scene made me wonder about whether…