Yeah, I showed a video of this trail once before. I think it is my favorite trail. This one is a bit different because I got a gimbal and decided to try running on the trail. It’s only a small section of the trail so don’t worry. I think it is the prettiest section. Students at my school were taking their end of the year exams. So we had half days. Just before I left the school to go to the trail one of my colleagues cautioned me that it might rain. I decided to bring protective water proof bags with me for my cameras and lens. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring sneakers with me that day so I was actually running in my school shoes. Not good but it could have been worse.

We had beautiful weather. It actually did rain for a short bit just before I shot this section of video. Thankfully it didn’t last for long and managed to keep everything dry. A tip for those of you who are interested in cameras settings. Yes, I know that 60 frames second is not cinematic, but I didn’t have any ND filters at the time and using a faster frame rate allowed me to get away with selecting a faster shutter speed 120th of a second (double to rate) and therefore also allowed me more acceptable F stop. I did almost no editing to this footage and left in the audio from the camera so you will hear me breathing kind of heavy in places. 

Hope this video conveys a sense of the natural beauty that is all around us. Last I want to recognize, Soundstripe for the music. I think the dynamics with the electric guitar really help bring this peace to life.


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