Stay Young Make Time to Play

Stay Young Make Time to Play

There is so much that could be said about the importance of play. Adults miss something when they haven't had enough play in their childhood. They can become too regimented almost like machines. No one wants to become this way, but life, relationships, and work can have a way of hardening us. We have to be tough to make it in the real world. Right? I think like Christopher Robin (from the movie Christopher Robin) sometimes we need to defeat our own heffalumps. Stay young make time to play Heffalump Christopher Defeats the Heffalump I love the section of Christopher…
My MacLehose 4 Video and the Back Story

My MacLehose 4 Video and the Back Story

Yeah, I showed a video of this trail once before. I think it is my favorite trail. This one is a bit different because I got a gimbal and decided to try running on the trail. It’s only a small section of the trail so don’t worry. I think it is the prettiest section. Students at my school were taking their end of the year exams. So we had half days. Just before I left the school to go to the trail one of my colleagues cautioned me that it might rain. I decided to bring protective water proof bags…
Automatic Settings Can Ruin Your Footage

Automatic Settings Can Ruin Your Footage

I shot this Around the School video using 24 frames per second because I wanted it to be more cinematic. It was a sunny day, but I didn’t want to shoot in complete manual mode because I knew that I would be going in and out of the school. I figured let the camera adjust for the changes in light and shutter speed on its own. Well that was a mistake that can ruin your footage. I’m leaving it up here for 2 reasons. One the lesson it teaches and two the content is still good. Shoot Manual It’s worth…